As I prepare to one day leave Pro Tools behind because I will never pay its subscription, I've been on a crazy Reaper learning binge. I was scared to jump in but man, I love this piece of software. I'm having fun at this point. A few gripes about it but so far things that just blow my mind how good they are:
-Opens LIGHTNING QUICK. No more cooking dinner waiting for Pro tools to fire up, regardless of how fast my computer is.
-There are no track types! A track is a track and ANYTHING can go in it. Not only that, your regions can be different formats and sample rates, on the same track, no problem. So good.
-Cheapest price ever.
-Multiple projects in tabs, like an internet browser. SO useful for juggling assets and layers.
-Near unlimited amount of plugins per track, I think? Definitely more than 30.
-Unlimited customization. I've created some weird custom actions that would never be remotely possible in Pro Tools.
-Automation is just beautiful. No more hand choosing which parameters to automate, you just flip knobs and they assign themselves on the fly. Adding curves to envelopes is quick, moving clusters around feels natural. And on and on. Makes protools feel outdated.
-Media explorer is great. Makes the protools workspace look bad. You can audition what a sound would sound like through ANY of your current tracks, plugins and all. Pitch knob, can drag a selection directly, etc.
-Option to save your session and tie it to your render, in case you ever want to come back to what a specific render looks like.
Gripes about it so far:
-No Audiosuite. My biggest one. I'm super destructive, gonna miss having it.
-Not enough info columns for files in the media explorer. I want to know the sample rate, channel count, etc of my file on the fly.
So far that's it for gripes, which isn't too bad! Still messing with it but man I wish I had switched earlier. What a cool piece of software. Highly recommend it. If you're coming from Pro Tools let me know and I'll send you my actions list which with the help of a friend, approximates Pro Tools basic hotkeys as much as possible.
On the implementation front, I've been learning FMOD from scratch with the help of Sally Kellaway's tutorials on Youtube. Hooked it up to Unreal, been implementing a bunch of sounds, and now all I have left is to design a bunch of assets and finish implementing them so I can have it see the light of day. I might focus on cooking up a sizzle reel before I finish doing that though.
Keeping super busy!